The base of a triangle of a given area varies inversely as the height. A triangle has a base of 18cm and a height of 10cm. Find the height of a triangle of equal area and with base 15cm



Answered question


The base of a triangle of a given area varies inversely as the height. A triangle has a base of 18cm and a height of 10cm. Find the height of a triangle of equal area and with base 15cm

Answer & Explanation

Nadia Berry

Nadia Berry

Beginner2022-10-09Added 7 answers

The area of a triangle can be determined with the equation a r e a = 1 2 b a s e h e i g h t
Find the area of the first triangle, by substituting the measurements of the triangle into the equation.
A r e a = 1 2 18 10
= 90 c m 2
Let the height of the second triangle =x.
So the area equation for the second triangle = 1 2 15 x
Since the areas are equal,
90 = 1 2 15 x
Times both sides by 2.

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