Find the common ratio of the geometric sequence 7, 28, 112,...



Answered question


Find the common ratio of the geometric sequence 7, 28, 112,...

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-10-08Added 7 answers

The common ratio for this problem is 4.
The common ratio is a factor that when multiplied by the current term results in the next term.
First term: 7
7 4 = 28
Second term: 28
28 4 = 112
Third term: 112
112 4 = 448
Fourth term: 448
This geometric sequence can be further described by the equation:
a n = 7 4 n - 1
So if you want to find the 4th term , n=4
a 4 = 7 4 4 - 1 = 7 4 3 = 7 64 = 448
a n = a 1 r n - 1
where a 1 is the first term, a n is the actual value returned for a specific nth term and r is the common ratio.

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