Father bought 3 cakes at $7.90 each , 6 hot dogs at $1.05 each and some icicles at $0.50 each . the ttoal amount that father paid was $39.50, how many icicles did he buy?

Sara Solomon

Sara Solomon

Answered question


Father bought 3 cakes at $7.90 each , 6 hot dogs at $1.05 each and some icicles at $0.50 each . the ttoal amount that father paid was $39.50, how many icicles did he buy?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-09-08Added 7 answers

The only quantity we do not know is the number of icicles.
Let the number of icicles be x
7.90 × 3 + 1.05 × 6 + 0.50 × x = 39.50 all in $
23.70 + 6.30 + 0.5 x = 39.50
0.5 x = 39.50 - 30.00
0.5 x = 9.5
0.5 x 0.5 = 9.5 0.5
x = 19
19 icicles were bought

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