Are the equation y = 3x + 7 and y = -3x + 7 parallel?



Answered question


Are the equation y = 3x + 7 and y = -3x + 7 parallel?

Answer & Explanation

Matteo Estes

Matteo Estes

Beginner2022-09-08Added 9 answers

They are not parallel, because their slopes are different, Slope of the first one is 3 and the slope of the second one is -3.
Aubrie Mccall

Aubrie Mccall

Beginner2022-09-09Added 1 answers

One is slope and the other way find the determinant of the matrix which should be zero for parallel lines
Write slope and intercept in matrix form
First row = (C11 C12) = (3 7)
Second row = (C 21 C22) = (-3 7)
Calculation of determinant for 2X2 matrix = C11C22 -(-C12C21)
i.e. (37- (-37) = 42 whic is not equal to zero
3 7
Hence these lines are not parallel

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