Find the geometric means in each sequence 1/24,_,_,_,54

Trace Glass

Trace Glass

Answered question


Find the geometric means in each sequence 1 24 , _ , _ , _ , 54

Answer & Explanation

Kristin Myers

Kristin Myers

Beginner2022-10-14Added 12 answers

The general term of a geometric sequence can be written as:
a n = a r n - 1
where a is the initial term and r is the common ratio.
If a 1 = 1 24 and a 5 = 54 then we find:
r 4 = a r 4 a r 0 = a 5 a 1 = 54 1 24 = 54 24 = 1296 = 6 4
This has two Real solutions and two non-Real Complex solutions:
r = ± 6 or r = ± 6 i
Since the question asks about geometric means and the given terms are positive, we can probably assume that we want the positive common ratio r=6.
Hence the sequence is:
1 24 , 1 4 , 3 2 , 9 , 54

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