Tasha wants 25 pounds of a nut mix that she can sell for $5.00 per pound. If she has cashews that sell for $6.50 per pound and pistachio nuts that sell for $4.00 per pound, how much of each should she use?

Elise Kelley

Elise Kelley

Answered question


Tasha wants 25 pounds of a nut mix that she can sell for $5.00 per pound. If she has cashews that sell for $6.50 per pound and pistachio nuts that sell for $4.00 per pound, how much of each should she use?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-10-13Added 10 answers

Total nuts = 25 pounds
Cashews = x pound
pistachio = (25 - x ) pounds
( 6.5 × x ) + [ 4 ( 25 - x ) ] = ( 5 × 25 )
6.5 x + [ 100 - 4 x ] = 125
6.5 x + 100 - 4 x = 125
2.5 x = 125 - 100 = 25
x = 25 2.5 = 10
Cashews = 10 pounds
pistachio = (25 - 10 ) = 15 pounds

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