Harry takes 45 minutes to make a toy truck.yesterday he started making a toy truck at 8:45 a.m. and continued until lunch time. he took one hour and fifteen minutes off for lunch. after lunch he continued working till 4: p.m. how many toy trucks ?



Answered question


Harry takes 45 minutes to make a toy truck.yesterday he started making a toy truck at 8:45 a.m. and continued until lunch time. he took one hour and fifteen minutes off for lunch. after lunch he continued working till 4: p.m. how many toy trucks ?

Answer & Explanation

Milton Hampton

Milton Hampton

Beginner2022-10-15Added 16 answers

The total time of work by Harry
=End time −Time of start−Duration of lunch
45 min is required to make 1 toy truck
So no. of Toy truck produced in 360 min = 360 45 = 8

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