Jane has scored the following marks on the first 5 exams: 65,70,55,87,87. What is the minimum score she must achieve on the last exam if she is to reach her target of a 70% average?

Kevin Charles

Kevin Charles

Answered question


Jane has scored the following marks on the first 5 exams: 65,70,55,87,87. What is the minimum score she must achieve on the last exam if she is to reach her target of a 70% average?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-10-20Added 15 answers

70 = 359 + x 6
Stephany Wilkins

Stephany Wilkins

Beginner2022-10-21Added 2 answers

Mean = Total Number
From this we can calculate the Total by multiplying:
Total = Mean × Number
If the average for 6 exams must be 70, the total for all 6 exams must be:
T = 6 × 70 = 420
Jane's total after 5 exams is: 60 + 70 + 55 + 82 + 87 = 359
Therefore in the last exam she should score a mark of at least:
420 - 359 = 61
60 + 70 + 55 + 82 + 87 + 61 6 = 70

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