
Stephany Wilkins

Stephany Wilkins

Answered question


2 p 2 - 7 p + 3 > 0

Answer & Explanation

Alannah Yang

Alannah Yang

Beginner2022-10-22Added 22 answers

f ( p ) = 2 p 2 - 7 p + 3 = ( 2 p - 1 ) ( p - 3 )
f(p)=0 when p = 1 2 or p=3
So the graph of f(p) crosses the horizontal axis at ( 1 2 , 0 ) and (3,0).
For large positive or negative values of p, the 2 p 2 term will dominate, resulting in f ( p ) > 0
Hence f ( p ) > 0 when p < 1 2 or p>3

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