How does the golden ratio relate to the Fibonacci sequence?

Ignacio Riggs

Ignacio Riggs

Answered question


How does the golden ratio relate to the Fibonacci sequence?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-10-22Added 21 answers

If you take two consecutive terms in the Fibonacci Sequence, or indeed any given sequence, and divide one of the terms by the one that comes before it, then you get a number that will get closer and closer to ϕ , or 1.618033988...
An example is the division 34 ÷ 21 , which gives the answer 1.61904762. Going even further to 17711 ÷ 10946 , which gives 1.61803399.
In addition, there is a direct formula for F n in terms of ϕ :
F n = ϕ n - ( - ϕ ) - n 5

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