Briefly, have the following problem: sum_{i=0}^{n}a_i(max[F_i(overlinex),0])^2 rightarrow min, s.t. A overlinex <= b

Chelsea Pruitt

Chelsea Pruitt

Answered question


Convex optimization problem to quadratic programming problem
Briefly, have the following problem:
i = 0 n a i   ( m a x [ F i ( x ¯ ) , 0 ] ) 2 m i n , s . t . A x ¯ b
where F ( x ¯ ) is a linear function, a i > 0, n is huge comparing to the size of x.
It is possible to write an equal Quadratic Programming problem, such as
i = 0 n a i   ( G i ) 2 m i n s . t . G i 0 , i = 0.. n G i F i ( x ¯ ) i = 0.. n A x ¯ b
which can be solved very efficiently with an appropriate numerical method.
Unfortunately in my particular case such conversion doesn't work: it adds a lot of new restrictions, and that appropriate numerical method doesn't converge.
I tried to figure out another equal QPP, which adds fewer new constraints, but nothing came across my mind. Is there another way?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-10-21Added 21 answers

Step 1
This is not really an answer. I just want to say that your optimization problem can be converted into a linear programming problem:
min F ( x ¯ ) subject to A x ¯ b.
If the minimum found is m and the minimizer is x 0 , then the minimum for your original problem is max ( m , 0 ) 2 and the minimizer is x 0 .
Step 2
Reason: If F ( x 0 ) = m < 0, then max ( F ( x 0 ) , 0 ) 2 = max ( m , 0 ) 2 = 0, which is the least possible value of max ( F ( x ¯ ) , 0 ) 2 over the whole space. Hence x0 is a feasible and global minimizer.
If F ( x 0 ) = m 0, then F ( x ¯ ) F ( x 0 ) 0 for every x ¯ D = { x ¯ : A x ¯ b }. Hence max ( F ( x ¯ ) , 0 ) = F ( x ¯ ) 0 for every x ¯ D. Therefore
min x ¯ D max ( F ( x ¯ ) , 0 ) 2 = min x ¯ D F ( x ¯ ) 2 = ( min x ¯ D F ( x ¯ ) ) 2 = m 2 = max ( m , 0 ) 2 .

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