Degree of Equations. A) Which variables in the formula V=pi r^2 h would you need to set as a constant in order to generate: 1. a linear equation? 2. a quadratic equation? B) How should r and h be related to generate a cubic function?

Maverick Avery

Maverick Avery

Answered question


Degree of Equations
A) Which variables in the formula V = π r 2 h would you need to set as a constant in order to generate:
1. a linear equation?
2. a quadratic equation?
B) How should r and h be related to generate a cubic function?

Answer & Explanation

Gael Irwin

Gael Irwin

Beginner2022-10-24Added 13 answers

Step 1
In first part,
1) To obtain a linear equation the degree of polynomial should be equal to 1. Hence in your equation V = π r 2 h if we consider h as a variable and r as a constant then we can obtain a polynomial which is having degree 1 (as r in the given equation will be a constant hence r 2 will not make any difference at all) resulting your equation to be linear.
Hence answer is r should be a constant
2) Similarly to obtain a quadratic polynomial (i.e. degree of polynomial is 2) will have to make h a constant so that r can be a variable with power 2. Hence the polynomial will be quadratic.
Hence answer is h should be constant.
Step 2
For your second part
You will need any kind of linear relation between h and r. For example h = θ r where θ is a fixed constant. From this you can rewrite your equation from
V = π r 2 h
V = π r 2 ( θ r )
V = π θ r 3
And this is how you'll obtain a cubic equation.

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