Was the quadratic function derived? By quadratic function, I mean: f(x)=ax^2+bx+c. Because the specific constant have a different role, e.g. increasing a has a role of narrowing or inverting the parabola, I'm thinking if this was a derived function/equation. If so, how was this derived?

Trace Glass

Trace Glass

Answered question


Was the quadratic function derived?
By quadratic function, I mean :
f ( x ) = a x 2 + b x + c
Because the specific constant have a different role, e.g. increasing a has a role of narrowing or inverting the parabola, I'm thinking if this was a derived function/equation. If so, how was this derived?
Additionally, for an even more general equation of a circle for instance:
x 2 + y 2 + D x + E y + F = 0
What would be the role of each of the constants: D, E and F?
And how can I go further into this?

Answer & Explanation

Jovanni Salinas

Jovanni Salinas

Beginner2022-10-22Added 18 answers

Step 1
I think you're seeing this the wrong way around. It wasn't that we chose the standard form a x 2 + b x + c because we could change the geometry. The choice was simply the most natural way of writing a quadratic.
Step 2
Once we had the most simple form, we then looked at the geometric implications of altering the constants.
Diego Barr

Diego Barr

Beginner2022-10-23Added 2 answers

Step 1
As for the additional part of your question, for the following equation of circle,
x 2 + y 2 + D x + E y + F = 0
the co-ordinates of the center of the circle are ( D 2 , E 2 ) (the role of the constants D and E right there) and the radius of the circle is D 2 4 + E 2 4 F ; so for fixed D and E, F is inversely proportional to the radius(size) of the circle.

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