Given a in RR, such that the two roots in f(x)=x^2+ax+(2a+319) are both positive integers. Find a.



Answered question


Given a R , such that the two roots in
f ( x ) = x 2 + a x + ( 2 a + 319 )
are both positive integers. Find a.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-10-23Added 17 answers

Actually, D = a 2 8 a 1276
You have
a 2 8 a 1276 = N 2 ( a 4 ) 2 1292 = N 2 1292 = ( a 4 N ) ( a 4 + N ) .
So, for any way of writing 1292 as k × l ( k , l Z ), solve the system
{ a 4 N = k a 4 + N = l .
For instance, if k=−34, and l=−38, you will get a=−32 and the roots will be 15 and 17.
Valery Cook

Valery Cook

Beginner2022-10-24Added 3 answers

Let f ( x ) = ( x r ) ( x s ). Then by Vieta,
r + s = a r s = 2 a + 319.
Adding yields the Diophantine equation
r s + 2 r + 2 s = 319 ,
which has the solution ( r , s ) = ( 15 , 17 ) , ( 17 , 15 ) in positive integers (there are only a few cases to check since r , s 105 and both r,s are odd). So a=−32 is the only solution.

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