Add 3 odd numbers and get an even number

Maribel Mcintyre

Maribel Mcintyre

Answered question


Add 3 odd numbers and get an even number

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-10-24Added 11 answers

Lets consider three odd numbers
where a,b,c are integers and x,y,z integers as well
then the sum equals to
a + b + c = 2 ( x + y + z + 1 ) + 1
The last tell us that their sum is an odd.
Hugo Stokes

Hugo Stokes

Beginner2022-10-25Added 7 answers

Its possible, but not in ordinary integer arithmetic.
In modular arithmetic with an odd modulus, every number is both odd and even.
For example, in arithmetic modulo 7 we find:
1 + 3 + 5 = 9 = 2 = 2 1

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