Three integers are in the ratio 2:3:8. If 4 is added to the middle number, the resulting number is the second term of a geometric progression of which the other two integers are the first and third terms. How do you find the three integers?

Mariyah Bell

Mariyah Bell

Answered question


Three integers are in the ratio 2:3:8. If 4 is added to the middle number, the resulting number is the second term of a geometric progression of which the other two integers are the first and third terms. How do you find the three integers?

Answer & Explanation

Layne Murillo

Layne Murillo

Beginner2022-10-27Added 14 answers

If the first term is 2x then the sequence formed by adding 4 to the middle number is:
The middle of three terms of a geometric sequence is equal to the geometric mean of the preceding and following terms, so:
3 x + 4 = ± 2 x 8 x = ± 16 x 2 = ± 4 x
If 3x+4=4x then x=4 and our original integers are 8, 12, and 32.
The geometric sequence is 8, 16, 32 with common ratio 2.
If 3x+4=−4x then x = - 4 7 , but this is not an integer and does not give rise to integers when multiplied by 2, 3 and 8.
Out of curiosity let's look at this alternative non-integer solution:
2 x = - 8 7
3 x + 4 = - 12 7 + 4 = 16 7
8 x = - 32 7
So the common ratio of this geometric sequence is −2 as expected.

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