Let alpha,beta be the linearly independent irrational numbers over Q with alpha>beta>0 , and A={n alpha−m beta∣n,m are nonnegative integers} How to prove that A is dense in R ? Is it true?



Answered question


Let α , β be the linearly independent irrational numbers over Q with α > β > 0 , and A = { n α m β n , m  are nonnegative integers },m are nonnegative integers}
How to prove that A is dense in R ? Is it true?

Answer & Explanation

Davin Meyer

Davin Meyer

Beginner2022-10-29Added 13 answers

Note that
A is closed under addition
inf inf A =
sup sup { x A x > 0 } = 0
The first is trivial, the second follows from β > 0, and only the third involves the Q -linear independence of α , β.

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