Prove f(x) is quadratic if f(2x)=4f(x) and f(x) is increasing over positive x



Answered question


Prove f(x) is quadratic if f ( 2 x ) = 4 f ( x ) and f(x) is increasing over positive x
The problem arose in the context of kinetic energy, where it can be proven from symmetry principles that E ( 2 v ) = 4 E ( v ) without assuming E = m v 2 / 2
While one may do further physics from this point to prove the desired result (that E is quadratic in v) -- consider a system with other prime numbers of balls, then do algebra to prove the result for rational scaling in v, then use the fact that there are rational numbers between any two real numbers and assume the function is increasing to prove it for all real scaling -- it seems intuitively obvious from this point immediately, that if E is increasing in v, E = k m v 2 .
How would one prove this functional equation?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-02Added 19 answers

Step 1
If we assume f C 2 (or at least that f is twice differentiable and f′′ is continuous at 0), we can prove uniqueness. Taking the derivative twice, we obtain:
f ( 2 x ) = 4 f ( x ) f ( 2 x ) = f ( x )
Step 2
Now we have, using continuity of f′′ at 0:
f ( x ) = f ( x 2 ) = f ( x 4 ) = = f ( x 2 n ) n f ( 0 )
Hence, f′′ is constant so f ( x ) = a x 2 + b x + c
f ( x ) = a x 2 , a > 0


Beginner2022-11-03Added 5 answers

Step 1
This is false.
Take an arbitrary increasing function f defined on [1,2] taking values in [1,4].
Then define f ( x ) = 4 n f ( 2 n x ) whenever x [ 2 n , 2 1 n ]. Then f is increasing and f ( 2 x ) = 4 f ( x ), but f is not in general quadratic.
Step 2
Moreover, if we define f ( 0 ) = 0, then f is continuous at 0, since f ( x ) 4 n f ( 2 ) whenever x [ 2 n , 2 1 n ].

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