Is the sum of two irrational numbers almost always irrational?



Answered question


Is the sum of two irrational numbers almost always irrational?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-05Added 14 answers

Let N P be the set of pairs whose sum is rational. I think its easier to prove λ ( N P B ( x ) ) = 0. In fact since N P B ( x ) N P, we just prove λ ( N P ) = 0 and we are done. Let
N P x = { ( x , y ) | x + y Q }
Notice that the restriction addition to this set is translation by x which is measure preserving, hence the inverse image of the rational numbers has measure zero. However, there is a weak form of Fubini's theorem that says that if a subset of a product measure space ( which R 2 is) has the property that its intersection with each slice has measure zero then the set has measure zero. Hence λ ( N P ) = 0.
To bring this back to the specific question you are asking, N P P = R 2 , so for any open ball B ( x ) λ ( P B ( x ) ) = 1. On the other hand the set of points whose coordinates are irrational is the complement of a set of measure zero, so λ ( R B ( x ) ) = 1. Hence you are taking the limit of 1 / 1.

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