Critical Points of Quadratic Forms. I have the equation f(x)=x^t Ax where A is a symmetric n by n matrix and x is an element of R^n.



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Critical Points of Quadratic Forms
Just a question about finding critical points (points where the differential is not surjective). I have the equation
f ( x ) = x t A x
where A is a symmetric n by n matrix and x is an element of R n . Now, I've found the derivative of the function to be
d f ( x ) = 2 x t A = 2 A x
by symmetry of A. I'm having trouble determining values in R n where the derivative is not surjective. It's clear that for x = ( 0 , . . . , 0 ), the derivative is not surjective, but my intuition is that for any other value of x, and for any value in R n , we can choose a corresponding A. Am I thinking about this correctly? Is my derivative correct for the quadratic form f ( x ) = x t A x?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-06Added 17 answers

Step 1
As I said in my comment, because f is a map from R n to R , its derivative at a point x R n will be a linear map d f x : R n R . You can compute the value of this linear map applied to a vector y R n by taking the ordinary derivative (with respect to s) of the smooth function f ( x + s y ), and setting s = 0. Thus
d f x ( y ) = d d s | s = 0 ( ( x + s y ) t A ( x + s y ) ) = d d s | s = 0 ( x t A x + s y t A x + s x t A y + s 2 y t A y ) = y t A x + x t A y .
Step 2
Because each term above is a scalar quantity (i.e., a 1 × 1 matrix, which is equal to its own transpose) and A is symmetric, this can be written as
d f x ( y ) = ( y t A x ) t + x t A y = x t A t y + x t A y = 2 x t A y .
Therefore, d f x is the linear map represented by the row matrix 2 x t A. (But this is not equal to 2Ax, because the latter is a column matrix, and therefore doesn't represent a linear map from R n to R .)

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