When does this least squares analytical solution based on zeros of partial derivatives start providing more than one solution? If I want to fit a quadratic function of two variables to some data, I can use f(x, y)=c_1x^2+c_2xy+c_3y^2+c_4x+c_5y+c_6



Answered question


When does this least squares analytical solution based on zeros of partial derivatives start providing more than one solution?
If I want to fit a quadratic function of two variables to some data, I can use
f ( x , y ) = c 1 x 2 + c 2 x y + c 3 y 2 + c 4 x + c 5 y + c 6
c i j ( z j f ( x j , y j ) ) 2 = 0
to obtain six equations, and then endeavor to solve them.
I've done it for one variable not two, but I'm guessing the process is straightforward.
If I extend this to more variables, and to higher order than 2, when will the analytical expressions be at risk for having multiple solutions?

Answer & Explanation

Zoey Benitez

Zoey Benitez

Beginner2022-11-06Added 18 answers

Step 1
For example:
c 1 j ( z j f ( x j , y j ) ) 2 = 2 j ( z j f ( x j , y j ) ) f c 1
and since f c 1 is now constant and ( z j f ( x j , y j ) ) is linear in c 1 , there will always be one solution.
Step 2
The number of variables and the power to which they are raised is unimportant. It's only the power of 2 in "least squares" that we need to notice here.

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