Prove that every open interval in real numbers contains rational, irrational and dyadic numbers.



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Prove that every open interval in real numbers contains rational, irrational and dyadic numbers.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-06Added 14 answers

Let a < b be any real numbers. By Archimedean property there exists a natural number n such that n ( b a ) > 1. It follows that 2 n ( b a ) > 1, so the interval ( a , b ) has length bigger that 1 2 n and so it contains a dyadic rational points of the form k 2 n for some integer k, because such points are placed at the real line with a distance 1 2 n < | b a | between consecutive points. Similarly we can show that the interval ( a , b ) contains an rational point of the form k 2 n 1 2 (with a little care assuring that k 0).

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