f(x)=0 if x is irrational, f(x)=1 if x is rational. Does a limit exist?



Answered question


f ( x ) = 0 if x is irrational, f ( x ) = 1 if x is rational. Does a limit exist?

Answer & Explanation

Emma Singleton

Emma Singleton

Beginner2022-11-05Added 11 answers

Intuitively, a function being continuous means that if you nudge the input just a little bit, the output also changes just a little bit.
Let's consider a = 5. We know f ( 5 ) = 1. Now if you nudge the input by a very small irrational number c, we get f ( 5 + c ) = 0, so the output, 0, is relatively far from the output of our a value. The nail in the coffin is that you can take c to be as small as you want, and you will always get a relatively far output. This is exactly a property which discontinuous functions have.
With continuous functions on the other hand, if you make that c smaller and smaller, the distance between the outputs should get smaller and smaller too, not stay the same (or get bigger).

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