Solve for reals x,y in R given system of two non-linear equations. 5x(1+1/(x^2+y^2))=12, 5y(1-1/(x^2+y^2))=4

Alexia Avila

Alexia Avila

Answered question


Solve for reals x , y R given system of two non-linear equations.
5 x ( 1 + 1 x 2 + y 2 ) = 12 5 y ( 1 1 x 2 + y 2 ) = 4
I got
6 x 1 + 2 y 1 = 5
Substitute x 1 = x 1 and same for y and got a four degree equation. Is there a short and elegant method for this?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-07Added 23 answers

The two given equations imply the equation
2 x + 6 y 5 x y = 0.
Since x , y are different from zero, this is exactly the equation you have found. The rest is easy now. The equation implies that 5 x 6 0, so that y = 2 x 5 x 6 . Substituting this into the given equations we obtain
( 5 x 2 12 x + 9 ) ( 5 x 2 ) ( x 2 ) = 0.
The quadratic polynomial has no real roots, so that we obtain ( x , y ) = ( 2 5 , 1 5 ) and ( x , y ) = ( 2 , 1 )
There might be a more elegant solution, but this solution gives also another insight - the polynomial 2 x + 6 y 5 x y is an S-polynomial which appears from the Buchberger algorithm for polynomial equations.


Beginner2022-11-08Added 4 answers

From yor equation we obtain x = 6 y 5 y 2 plugging this in the first equation, simplifying and factorizing we get ( y 1 ) ( 5 y + 1 ) ( 5 y 2 4 y + 4 ) = 0 from here you can compute all solutions.

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