What is the solution for y(t)=e^{-t/(tau y(t))}?

Jadon Camacho

Jadon Camacho

Answered question


What is the solution for y ( t ) = e t τ y ( t ) ?
A simple quadratic flow model leads to the following apparently simple equation
y ( t ) = e t τ y ( t )
where the flow, y is a function of time, t and τ is a constant.
But is there a closed form solution for y(t) just in terms of t and τ?
Or can this only be solved by numerical means ?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-08Added 17 answers

Step 1
We begin with the equation
(1) y ( t ) = e t / τ y ( t )
Let z = t / τ and let W = z y ( t ) . Then, upon rearranging (1) we find that
(2) z = W e W
Step 2
Noting that (2) defines the Lambert W, we have immediately that
y ( t ) t / τ W ( t / τ )
Special attention is required to determine the domain for which y(t) is real and single valued.

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