Existence of a non-square integer L such that L is a quadratic residue modulo p^n for all n. Can a sequence of perfect squares converge to a non-square value under the p-adic metric?



Answered question


Existence of a non-square integer L such that L is a quadratic residue modulo p n for all n.
The background of this question is on the sequences in p-adic integers, in which I originally looked into the following problem:
Can a sequence of perfect squares converge to a non-square value under the p-adic metric?
Where the p-adic metric is, as usual, defined as
d p ( m , n ) = p max { n N : p n | ( m n ) ) }
For m n, and d p ( m , m ) := 0
Obviously, it is ask for the existence of a function f : N Z and a non-square number L such that for all n N ,
f ( n ) 2 L = p g ( n ) q ( n )
Where g : N N is an unbounded function and q(n) is coprime to n for all n. Clearly, this is also equivalent to say that the equation
x 2 L ( mod p n )
Is soluble for infinitely many n. But we know that if L is a quadratic residue modulo p n , it is also a quadratic residue modulo p n 1 . Therefore, the statement resolves to the following proposition:
There is (not) a non-square integer L such that it is a square modulo p n for every n N .
Which I know neither is true or not, nor how to start off decently. Though I have not found any of them, and I believe that such L does not exist, i still cannot find out a complete proof. The proposition can indeed be generalized into the following
There is (not) a non-kth power L such that it is congruent to a kth power modulo p n for all n N

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-08Added 22 answers

Step 1
Not only are there plenty of non-squares which become squares in the p-adic numbers Z p , the phenomena underlying this was one of the motivating reasons for constucting the p-adic numbers in the first place. Here are some hints (only hints!) to get you started.
Notice that
2 2 = 1 mod 5 ,
( 2 + 5 ) 2 = 7 2 = 1 mod 5 2 ,
( 2 + 5 + 2 5 2 ) 2 = 57 2 = 1 mod 5 3 .
Step 2
So now try the following:
A. Modify 57 by adding a multiple of 5 3 = 125 so that ( 57 + k 5 3 ) 2 1 mod 5 4
B. Inductively construct x n with the following properties.
1. x 1 = 2
2. x n x n 1 mod 5 n 1
3. x n 2 1 mod 5 n
C. Think about how general the construction above is. What would happen if one replaces -1 and 5 by a and p, where a is a square modulo p, and p is an odd prime. What happens when p = 2?

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