A free website which can solve this equation. solve for v , h(v-t)=h(v+t) where h(x)=ax^2+bx+c.



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A free website which can solve this equation
solve for v, h ( v t ) = h ( v + t ) where h ( x ) = a x 2 + b x + c. The value is the vertex of the quadratic function the website wolfarmalpha can solve that when a,b and c are numbers. I want the students to figure the vertex of the quadratic function.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-12Added 20 answers

Step 1
You have
a ( v t ) 2 + b ( v t ) + C = a ( v + t ) 2 + b ( v + t ) + C
Step 2
It simplifies to
2 a v t + b t = 0
Solve for v to get
v = b 2 a


Beginner2022-11-13Added 7 answers

Step 1
I think Geogebra can handle a particular case for your question on demonstrating the shifting effect.
For the s/w to have something to plot, we give it a sample curve like h ( x ) = x 2 x 12.
Step 2
Next, we ask the s/w to plot y = h ( x 2 ), where 2 is just particular value for t. The result clearly shows the resultant curve is just a right shift of the original by 2 units.
Plotting y = h ( x + 2 ) is a left shift of the original.
Solving h ( x t ) = h ( x + t ) is to find the point of intersection of the plotted curves.
Since the original quadratic is symmetric (with x = b 2 a being the axis), the two plotted curves are just displaced right and left of the same amount. They will meet at x = b 2 a

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