Converting ax^3+bx^2+cx+d to a(x-j)^3+k



Answered question


Converting a x 3 + b x 2 + c x + d to a ( x j ) 3 + k
We're all familiar with the vertex form of a quadratic function,
a ( x p ) 2 + q
where (-p,q) represent the coordinates of the maximum or minimum point of the parabola. This is achieved by performing completing the square on the standard form of the quadratic function a x 2 + b x + c.
My question is: can the same be done for cubic functions? Playing around with graphs have shown me that
a ( x j ) 3 + k
graphs a cubic function whose inflection point is (−j,k). However, I have not been able to find a method of converting a standard cubic function a x 3 + b x 2 + c x + d to its 'vertex form' as stated above that is applicable generally to all cubic functions.
I have tried geometrically 'completing the cube' with a friend and found a way (?) to convert standard cubic expressions to their vertex form, but this method was only applicable to cubics without a linear term. I'm looking for a general method that works for all cubics, I really appreciate the help!
Edit: Okay, so I received a lot of feedback which explained why a ( x j ) 3 + k would not work for all cubic equations because it only has one real root, and got pointers in the direction of depressed cubic equations. My question is: is there a general way to show the position of the inflection point using the depressed cubic?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-12Added 24 answers

Step 1
You can't do that in general. Suppose that your cubic had 3 real roots (example: x 3 x).
Step 2
Then you can't do that because ( x j ) 3 + k has only one real root. So, they cannot be the same cubic.
Anton Huynh

Anton Huynh

Beginner2022-11-13Added 5 answers

Step 1
Your expression has only one real root but a cubic equation can have at most 3 real roots. To generalise the point of inflection you can use calculus. a x 3 + b x 2 + c x + d Differentiate it twice and equate it to zero .
Step 2
You'll get 3 a x = b
Now you can get co-ordinate of x = b 3 a calculate x and put back that in the cubic equation to get y coordinate

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