What 2 odd numbers added together equal an odd number?

Aden Lambert

Aden Lambert

Answered question


What 2 odd numbers added together equal an odd number?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-09Added 15 answers

Let say you have the odd number a=2⋅k+1 and another odd b=2m+1 if you add them you get
a+b=2(k+m)+2=2(k+m+1) which is even.


Beginner2022-11-10Added 4 answers

In normal integer arithmetic the sum of two odd numbers will always be even and not odd.
In modulo arithmetic with an odd base all numbers are both odd and even, so any two numbers work.
For example, in modulo 5 arithmetic, 3+3=1, which are obviously all odd numbers.
Less obviously, in modulo 3 arithmetic 1+1=2 is an example, since 2 = 2 2 + 1

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