How to figure out the formula of axis of simmetry in quadratic functions. Well, this is what I did. Assuming that that quadratic equation or function is given by the general formula f(x)=ax^2+bx+c.

Madison Costa

Madison Costa

Answered question


How to figure out the formula of axis of simmetry in quadratic functions
Well, this is what I did. Assuming that that quadratic equation or function is given by the general formula f ( x ) = a x 2 + b x + c.
So, assuming that there exist an axis of simmetry (eje de simetria en español), I had to find two points ( x 1 , f ( x 1 ) ) and ( x 2 , f ( x 2 ) ) so that x 1 x 2 but f ( x 1 ) = f ( x 2 ). To make the typing job a bit easier x 1 = x and x 2 = d.
So f ( x ) = a x 2 + b x + c and f ( d ) = a d 2 + b d + c and f ( x ) = f ( d ):
a x 2 + b x + c = a d 2 + b d + c
a x 2 + b x = a d 2 + b d
a x 2 a d 2 = b d b x
a ( x 2 d 2 ) = b ( d x )
a ( x + d ) ( x d ) = ( x d ) b
a ( x + d ) = b
Because we are talking about quadratic functions b can be 0. So if we b = 0, we have:
a ( x + d ) = 0
and again, if it is a quadractic function a can´t be 0, so we´d have that:
x + d = 0 and x = d, which is true. For example in the function f ( x ) = x 2 16, f ( 4 ) = f ( 4 ) = 0.
Well, continuing with the calculations we´d have:
x + d = b a
d = b a x
d = b x a a
Because it´s an axis of simmetry, it´s in the middle, so I´ll have to use this formula:
x 1 + x 2 2
So: x 1 + x 2 = x + d and d = b x a a , so I would have.
x + d = x + ( b x a a )
= x a a + ( b x a a )
= x a b x a a
x + d = b a
x + d 2 = b a ÷ 2
= b 2 a
That´s what I´ve done so far, but what I probably want to know is why there exists and axis of symmetry (which I think will be the line x = b 2 a ). I thought I could prove it using that fact but I got nowhere that´s why I posted this forum. (there might be some grammar mistakes, that´s because I am not an english speaker, you can correct where you think I made a mistake.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-11Added 18 answers

Step 1
Let us talk about the two improvements that can be made.
1) If you want to prove a fact is true in general, there is no need to discuss the particular case of “Because we are talking about quadratic functions b can be 0. So if we (let) b = 0, …..”.
2) From “ continuing with the calculations we´d have: x + d = b a ”, we can arrive at the conclusion of x + d 2 = b 2 a immediately by dividing both sides by 2.
Step 2
Regarding your query of “why there exists and axis of symmetry”, I try to explain it in the following way.
Firstly, it is a provable fact that y = x 2 is symmetric (and therefore the said axis exists). [The proof is more or less similar to what you did in the first part of your post.]
Next, by completing square, f ( x ) = a x 2 + b x + c can be re-written as f ( x ) = a ( x h ) 2 + k; where h and k are functions of a, b and c.
Note that (i) The “a” controls the opening (upward or downward) of the curve and the degree (how wide) of opening of the quadratic curve; (ii) The “h” and “k” are respectively horizontal and vertical shifts of the function. All these are under the topic of transformations.
In short, y = f ( x ) can be transformed equivalently to y = x 2 .
Added:- In other words, any quadratic function is just the transformed image of the basic y = x 2 through (series of translations, reflections, amplifications...).

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