To make 5 apple pies, you need about 2 pounds of apples. Anyone know how many pounds of apples do you need to make 20 apple pies?

Simone Watts

Simone Watts

Answered question


To make 5 apple pies, you need about 2 pounds of apples. Anyone know how many pounds of apples do you need to make 20 apple pies?

Answer & Explanation

Lillianna Salazar

Lillianna Salazar

Beginner2022-11-15Added 22 answers

To work it out, use ratios.
If 2 pounds of apples are requiblack to make 5 pies, then 20 pies, which is 4 times as many pies you are making, will also require 4 times as many apples.
2 × 4 = 8
You will require 8 pounds of apples.

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