The current elevation of the volcanic island, Krakatoa, is 2,667 ft above sea level. How far is the horizon from the top of Krakatoa? Assume the Earth’s radius is 3,960 miles.

Rosemary Chase

Rosemary Chase

Answered question


The current elevation of the volcanic island, Krakatoa, is 2,667 ft above sea level. How far is the horizon from the top of Krakatoa? Assume the Earth’s radius is 3,960 miles.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-14Added 15 answers

We will use the formula, d = ( r + h ) 2 r 2
Here d = distance to the horizon
r = radius of the Earth
h = height of observer from mean sea level
From the question, r = 3,960 miles
h = 2,667 ft = 0.505 miles
Putting these values in the formula, d = ( 3960 + 0.505 ) ( 3960 ) 2 = ( 15685599.855 15681600 ) = 3999.855
=63.24 miles (Answer) or 333930.432 feet

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