Find a solution for a differential equation, assume that y(x)=ax^2+bx+c

Madison Costa

Madison Costa

Answered question


Find a solution for a differential equation, assume that y ( x ) = a x 2 + b x + c
Find a solution to the given equation:
y + 2 y = x 2 + 4 x + 7
and we are told to assume that y(x) is a quadratic function, which follows this general form
y = a x 2 + b x + c .
Now to find the solutions, at first I tried to solve the given for y and then see what I could do from there but, I realized that you can't take the derivative of a function that contains its own derivative.
So then I thought that I had to create my own function that follows the perviously mentioned parameters (the given and the quad. form). This is were I am stuck, I can not mathematically deduce a solution for this problem.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-15Added 16 answers

Step 1
If y = a x 2 + b x + c, then y = 2 a x + b. Plug this into your equation:
y + 2 y = 2 a x + b + 2 ( a x 2 + b x + c ) = 2 a x 2 + ( 2 a + 2 b ) x + b + 2 c = ! x 2 + 4 x + 7.
Step 2
Two polynomials are equal iff they are equal in all coefficients. You obtain a linear equation system
{ 2 a = 1 2 a + 2 b = 4 b + 2 c = 7
which you have to solve for (a,b,c) in order to get a particular solution.
Paula Cameron

Paula Cameron

Beginner2022-11-16Added 6 answers

Step 1
If you assume that y = a x 2 + b x + c, you can plug this hypothesis in the equation, which then writes
( 2 a x + b ) + 2 ( a x 2 + b x + c ) = x 2 + 4 x + 7.
For the two members to be equal for all x, by regrouping the terms, you must have that 2 a = 1, then 2 a + 2 b = 4 and finally b + 2 c = 7.
As these equations do have a solution, the hypothesis works.
More generally, if your LHS is a linear combination of the derivatives of the unknown, and the RHS is a polynomial, you can try an arbitrary polynomial of the same degree.
Step 2
Also note that the solution that you found is not the only one which is possible. Indeed, you can add any function y such that
y + 2 y = 0
without violating the equation. And y = c e 2 x where c has any value is such a function.

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