Bob is 8 years younger than charlie. Doug is 2 years older than charlie. The sum of Charlie and Dougs ages is 4 times bobs age. How do you find the age of all boys. math problem?



Answered question


Bob is 8 years younger than charlie. Doug is 2 years older than charlie. The sum of Charlie and Dougs ages is 4 times bobs age. How do you find the age of all boys. math problem?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-17Added 22 answers

MathJax(?): Can't find handler for document MathJax(?): Can't find handler for document This type of problem is referred to as mathematical modelling.
This means converting a word problem into an equation which can then be solved.
by allocating a variable (letter symbol) to one of the boys.
In this case say Charlie is x (years old)
From this we can write that Doug = x + 2 ( as he is 2 years older than Charlie)
and Bob = x - 8 (as he is 8 years younger)
Charlie and Doug's added together (sum) =4 times Bob's age. Now using our symbols from above (Algebra).We obtain the following :
x + ( x + 2 ) = 4 ( x 8 ) which can be written as :
2x + 2 = 4x _ 32 .To solve this equation collect numbers to the left hand side ( of the = sign) and variables to the other.
2 + 32 = 4 x 2 x   g i v e s   34 = 2 x   a n d   x = 17
Finally then: Charlie = x = 17 : Bob = x 8 = 17 8 = 9
and Doug = x + 2 = 17 + 2 = 19
check: C h a r l i e + D o u g = 17 + 19 = 36 and 4times Bob's age math xmlns=""> = 4 × 9 = 36.

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