If a,b,m and n are positive integers such that root(m)(a) and root(n)(b) are irrational numbers, how can we prove that the sum root(m)(a)+root(n)(b) is also irrational?



Answered question


If a , b , m and n are positive integers such that a m and b n are irrational numbers, how can we prove that the sum a m + b n is also irrational?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-17Added 15 answers

Let b and n be positive integers such that a m and b n are irrational. Let b and n be the minimal positive integers such that a m = a m and b n = b n , so that their minimal polynomials are f a = X m a and f b = X n b, respectively. Note that m , n > 1 as a m and b n are irrational.
Suppose a m + b n = q Q . Then a m and b n are roots of f b ( q X ) and f a ( q X ), respectively, which shows that f a divides f b ( q X ) and f b divides f a ( q X ), respectively. In particular we see that m n and n m, so n = m, and hence f a = c f b ( q X ) for some nonzero constant c Q . Then
X m a = f a = c f b ( q X ) = c ( q X ) n c b = c ( q X ) m c b ,
which immediately shows that q = 0 because m , n > 1. It follows that c = ± 1 and a = c b. Because a and b is positive it follows that c = 1 and so
a m + b n = 2 a m = 2 b n ,
which is irrational because b n is, by assumption.

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