3 odd consecutive numbers have a sum of 75. Find the greatest number

Zackary Diaz

Zackary Diaz

Answered question


3 odd consecutive numbers have a sum of 75. Find the greatest number

Answer & Explanation

Stella Andrade

Stella Andrade

Beginner2022-11-18Added 19 answers

Let's put x as the smallest odd number, x+2 can be the second odd number, and x+4 can be the third largest number.
(We found x+2 and x+4 because we are skipping the even numbers.)
So our equation would be:
We can simplify that to
Subtract 6 from both sides...
Divide both sides by three...
Now we solve for x+2 and x+4
27 is the greatest number.
(To check, you can add all three numbers together... 23+25+27=75)

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