How to solve 0=x*114−x*log_3(x)−20.28*y in matlab for different values of y?

Jorge Schmitt

Jorge Schmitt

Answered question


How to solve 0 = x × 114 x × log 3 ( x ) 20.28 × y in matlab for different values of y?
y = 10 3 , 10 6 , 10 9 , 10 12 , 10 15 , . . . and above mentioned equation. How to solve (i.e. getting values of x for different y) and plot this equation in MATLAB ?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-19Added 11 answers

For finding zeros you can use fzero, you just have to use a starting value 𝑥0.
x0 = 10;
f = @(x) 114*x-log(abs(x))/log(3) .* x - 20.28*y;
You then have to check whether the solution is greater than 0 because we used 𝑙𝑜𝑔(|𝑥|).
For implicit plots (as you seemed to ask first) you can use following functions: You can use the contour function for implicit plots: Just provide a nullvector as levels. Other functions for implicit plots are implot, implot2, and ezplot.

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