Kay spends 250 min/wk exercising. Her ratio of time spent on aerobics to time spent on weight training is 3 to 2. How many minutes per week does she spend on aerobics? How many minutes per week does she spend on weight training?

Frankie Burnett

Frankie Burnett

Answered question


Kay spends 250 min/wk exercising. Her ratio of time spent on aerobics to time spent on weight training is 3 to 2. How many minutes per week does she spend on aerobics? How many minutes per week does she spend on weight training?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-19Added 21 answers

Aerobics : Weight training = 3 : 2
Time spent on aerobics = ( 3 5 ) 250 = 150 min
Time spent on wt training = ( 2 5 ) 250 = 100 min

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