A vacuum cleaner uses 5/8 kilowatts per hour. A clothes dryer uses 4 11/16 kilowatts per hour. How many hours can the vacuum run and use the same amount of energy as the clothes dryer does in one hour?



Answered question


A vacuum cleaner uses 5 8 kilowatts per hour. A clothes dryer uses A vacuum cleaner uses 58 kilowatts per hour. A clothes dryer uses 41116 kilowatts per hour. How many hours can the vacuum run and use the same amount of energy as the clothes dryer does in one hour? kilowatts per hour. How many hours can the vacuum run and use the same amount of energy as the clothes dryer does in one hour?

Answer & Explanation

Arturo Hogan

Arturo Hogan

Beginner2022-11-25Added 13 answers

Vacuum cleaner uses 5 8 = 10 16 kilowatt per hour
Clothes dryer uses 4 11 16 = 75 16 kilowatt per hour
To see how many hours we can run the vacuum cleaner for using the same amount of energy as the dryer does for one hour, we can divide the vacuum cleaner energy into the dryer energy:
75 16 10 16 = 75 16 × 16 10 = 75 10 = 7.5
Jonas can run his vacuum for 7 1 2 hours using the same amount of energy that the dryer does in one hour.

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