Older railroad tracks in the U.S. are made of 12-m-long pieces of steel. When the tracks are laid, gaps are left between the sections o prevent buckling when the steel thermally expands. Part A If a track is laid at 16, how large should the gaps be if the track is not to buckle when the temperature is as high as 50 C? The coefficient of linear expansion of soft steel is1.1x10^−5 C ^−1



Answered question


Older railroad tracks in the U.S. are made of 12-m-long pieces of steel. When the tracks are laid, gaps are left between the sections o prevent buckling when the steel thermally expands. Part A If a track is laid at 16 o C, how large should the gaps be if the track is not to buckle when the temperature is as high as 50 o C? The coefficient of linear expansion of soft steel is 1.1 × 10 5 C 1

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-28Added 11 answers

α = 1.1 × 10 5 C 1 δ L = e x p a n s i o n   i n   l e n g t h δ L = α × L × ( T f T i ) δ L = 1.1 × 10 5 × 12 × ( 50 16 ) δ L = 4.488 m m

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