What is the distance between Sun and earth?



Answered question


What is the distance between Sun and earth?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-12-02Added 9 answers

The precise distance between Earth and the Sun fluctuates depending on where the planet is in its elliptical orbit. Around 150 million kilometers separate the Earth and the Sun on average (the mean distance) (93 million miles).
One astronomical unit is another name for the average separation between the Earth and the Sun (or AU). This distance is calculated to be 149, 597, 870.7 kilometers (92,955,887.6 miles).
Around the first week of July is when the Earth's apogee, or closest point to the Sun, occurs. It is roughly 152 million kilometers away (94.4 million miles).
The first week of January marks perihelion, the point in time when the Earth is closest to the Sun. It is roughly 147 million kilometers away (91.3 million miles).

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