Mary wants to have an average of 80 for his 4 exams. Each exam is scored on a scale of 0 to 100. His first three exam scores are: 87,72,85. What does Mary need to score on the 4th exam to have a mean of 80 on all 4 exams?



Answered question


Mary wants to have an average of 80 for his 4 exams. Each exam is scored on a scale of 0 to 100. His first three exam scores are: 87 , 72 , 85. What does Mary need to score on the 4th exam to have a mean of 80 on all 4 exams?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-12-19Added 6 answers

( 87 + 72 + 85 + x ) 4 = 80
87 + 72 + 85 + x = 320
x = 320 244
x = 76

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