Add T be the class consisting of R,Q and all infinite, open intervals An=(q,x,An=(q,x,x∈Q,tQx∈Q,Qt, the rationals. Show that T is not a topology on R−.



Answered question


Add T be the class consisting of R,Q and all infinite, open intervals An=q,xAnQ,tQ, the rationals. Show that T is not a topology on R−.

Answer & Explanation



Skilled2021-02-07Added 85 answers

We can find the sequence of rational number (qn)n such that qn>2,nN
Notice that (qn,)T, and that  U(qn1,)=(2,)n=1 (here we nedeed that qn>2).

However, (2,)T since 2 is not a rational number. Thus, T contains sets whose union is not in T, so T is not a topology.

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