f , g &#x003A;<!-- : --> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mi mathvariant="double



Answered question


f , g : R R continuous functions such that f ( g ( x ) ) = x. Prove that g ( f ( x ) ) = x.
Since f is surjective, we basically have to prove that f is injective. For g is clearly, but how can I prove that f is injective ? Please, help me!

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-07-10Added 13 answers

As g is continuous and injective, it is strictly monotonic
if := lim x g ( x ) R , then lim x f ( g ( x ) ) = f ( ), contradicting f ( g ( x ) ) = x. Hence lim x g ( x ) = ±
Same result with lim x g ( x )
conclude that g is surjective.
If y = g ( x ) then f ( y ) = f ( g ( x ) ) = x, hence g ( f ( y ) ) = g ( x ) = y

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