Define f:D(0,1)−>C to be holomorphic such thatf(0)=0. I want to extend (f(z))/z to be continuous on overline(D)(0,r) for arbitrary 0<r<1.

Alexandra Richardson

Alexandra Richardson

Answered question


Define f : D ( 0 , 1 ) > C to be holomorphic such that f ( 0 ) = 0. I want to extend f ( z ) z to be continuous on D ¯ ( 0 , r ) for arbitrary 0 < r < 1.
My initial guess was to define:
g ( z ) = f ( z ) z for non-zero z but extend g ( z ) to be 0 for z = 0.
But if I take lim z 0 f ( z ) z = f ( 0 ) using L'Hopital's rule. So I think this should be the expression for g ( 0 )? I wonder if:
i) L'hopital's rule is applicable to complex functions, and,
ii)Am I taking the limit incorrectly? I also do not see a use for f ( 0 ) = 0 in my deduction so I'm rather perplexed.
Any help would be appreciated!

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-07-18Added 17 answers

If f ( 0 ) 0, then the limit lim z 0 f ( z ) z does not exist (in C ). On the other hand, if f ( 0 ) = 0, then lim z 0 f ( z ) z = f ( 0 ) byt the definition of f . So, extend f to
F : D ( 0 , 1 ) C z { f ( z ) z  if  z 0 f ( 0 )  if  z = 0 ,
and then F is continuous. In particular, if r ( 0 , 1 ), the restriction of F to D ( 0 , r ) ¯ is continuous.

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