Let X be a locally compact (not compact) Hausdorff space. Let Y=Xuu{0} be the one point compactification of X. Now define a set C_0(X) by: C_0(X):={f in C(X):f vanishes at infinity}. Now we say that f in C(X) vanishes at infinity if for each epsilon>0 the set {omega in X:|f(omega)|>=epsilon} is compact. Now consider C(Y), the set of all continuous functions from Y to C. Now there is a statement in the middle of a proof that, a function in C(Y) belongs to C_0(X) if and only if f(0)=0. I am not able to prove this statement.

Samson Kaufman

Samson Kaufman

Answered question


Let X be a locally compact (not compact) Hausdorff space. Let Y = X { 0 } be the one point compactification of X. Now define a set C 0 ( X ) by:
C 0 ( X ) := { f C ( X ) : f  vanishes at infinity } .
Now we say that f C ( X ) vanishes at infinity if for each ε > 0 the set { ω X : | f ( ω ) | ε } is compact. Now consider C ( Y ), the set of all continuous functions from Y to C . Now there is a statement in the middle of a proof that, a function in C ( Y ) belongs to C 0 ( X ) if and only if f ( 0 ) = 0. I am not able to prove this statement.

My approach: ′′    ′′ Let f C ( Y ) and f ( 0 ) = 0. Nowf is continuous at 0. Then for each ε > 0 there exists a neighborhood U 0 of 0 such that | f ( x ) | < ε for all x U 0 . Now Y is compact and U 0 is open hence Y U 0 is closed hence compact. Now I am not able to proceed from here and also the ′′ ′′ direction.

Answer & Explanation

Mariam Hickman

Mariam Hickman

Beginner2022-08-11Added 13 answers

( ) To continue, observe that { ω X : | f ( ω ) | ε } X U 0 .
( ) Assume now that f C ( Y ) and that f (or more appropriately, its restriction to X) vanishes at infinity. We want to show that f ( 0 ) = 0. Using continuity, it suffices to show that for each ε > 0, there is some open neighborhood U Y of 0 such that | f ( x ) | < ε for all x U, x 0.

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