<img src="https://q2a.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/prod/0251031221.jpg"/> Consider the three circuits shown above. All the resistors and all the batteries are identical. Which of the statements are true



Answered question


Consider the three circuits shown above. All the resistors and all the batteries are identical. Which of the statements are true and which ones are false? 
1)The power dissipated in circuit A is twice the power dissipated in circuit B. 
2) The current through a resistor is the same in circuits A and C. 
3) The current through a resistor is the same in circuits A and B. 
4) The voltage across a single resistor in circuit C is twice the voltage across a single resistor in circuit B. 
5) The total power dissipated in circuit C is twice the total power dissipated in circuit B.

Answer & Explanation

Nichole Watt

Nichole Watt

Skilled2020-11-27Added 100 answers

1. Yes you are correct the power dissipated in circuit A istwice as large as in circuit B. The current though A is doubled the current through B, therefore yielding a disspated power twice a slarge considering both circuits have the same vales for the voltage source.
2. Correct. C is a different type of circuit in comparrison to A. The current through the resistors is the same however in each circuit, the current demand on the source in each circuit is different. The A circuit demands 1/2 the current on the source, then compared to its C counter part.
In otherwards if the current though circuit A is 5 amps then the current through circuit C is 10 amps, and then split to 5 amps when braching off to each resistor.
3) Yes the current is the same in each resistor in circuit B,and in this case since they are the same resistance the voltage through each resistor is 1/2 V. There is a very easy way to find the voltage through each resistor in a series circuit called the volage division rule.
4) I guess I already answered this question with my previous blabber but yes you are correct again.
5) Yes, power is IV the current in C is twice as much as much compared to the current in B as seen in the previous diagram.So once again you are correct.

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