Two charged bodies create a superposition of electrostatic fields at a point and there is no evidence of fields interference. Now, if we put two current circuits around the charged bodies then we create also magnetic fields and as a consequence two electromagnetic fields. If the electrostatic field and the magnetic field from the two positions don't interfere as waves when independently acting will their combination in the form of electromagnetic field show interference properties when combined?

Kade Reese

Kade Reese

Answered question


Two charged bodies create a superposition of electrostatic fields at a point and there is no evidence of fields interference. Now, if we put two current circuits around the charged bodies then we create also magnetic fields and as a consequence two electromagnetic fields. If the electrostatic field and the magnetic field from the two positions don't interfere as waves when independently acting will their combination in the form of electromagnetic field show interference properties when combined?

Answer & Explanation

Wayne Everett

Wayne Everett

Beginner2022-07-23Added 19 answers

EM waves interfere according to the mathematics of superposition. So there will be superposition and interference (constructive or destructive) of the E field and B field.
There won't be waves, because there is no time-based oscillation in the situation you described.

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