A wrench 30 cm long lies along the positive y-axis and grips a bolt at the origin. A force is applied in the direction <0, 3, -4>at the end of the wrench. Find the magnitude of the force needed to supply 100 N-m of torque on the bolt.



Answered question


A wrench 30 cm long lies along the positive y-axis and grips a bolt at the origin. A force is applied in the direction <0, 3, -4>at the end of the wrench. Find the magnitude of the force needed to supply 100 N-m of torque on the bolt.

Answer & Explanation

Abraham Norris

Abraham Norris

Beginner2022-07-26Added 16 answers

T o r q u e d i s t a n c e = f o r c e
100 n m 30 c m = 100 n m .3 m = 333.333 N

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