Constructing a transformation satisfying the given properties Construct a transformation which

Dillan Gibbs

Dillan Gibbs

Answered question


Constructing a transformation satisfying the given properties
Construct a transformation which maps the plane into the plane itself , and the curve y=x2 onto the horizontal axis, and the line y=3 onto the vertical axis.
I need to solve the set of equations
but couldn't. Any hints?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-02-14Added 13 answers

Let the transformation be f(x,y)=(f1(x,y),f2(x,y)).
The line y=3 is mapped to x=0 so f1(x,3)=0 for all x. This means that we can set f1(x,y)=M1(y3) for a some constant M1. Similarly, we can set f2(x,y)=M2(x2y).
Then we have f(x,y)=(M1(y3),M2(x2y)).

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